Contribution to the United Korea Flag Project, curated by Chull Kang, exhibition at the Gwangju Design Biennale, Korea.
Cover illustration for German Greenpeace Magazin for a special food issue on smarter eating.
Year: 2017
Client: greenpeacemagazin
Typographic illustration for Greensource magazine for sustainable design on the subject of agriculture on tall buildings.
Year: 2013
Typographical illustration for the bits section in New York Times on encryption and secure communication online.
Year: 2015
Remake of the Big Draw Berlin motif of standing pencils commissioned by WIRED UK Magazine for their feature opener in the 02.14 issue.
Year: 2014
Cover and opener Illustration for Washington Post Magazine Dec 23rd, on "Lives Remembered". The cover story was telling 6 touching life stories of people who passed away in 2012 in the Washington area.
Washington Post Magazine
Year: 2012
Coverstory and opener illustrations for swiss "Das Magazin" (N0. 40/2103 Switzerland). Title "As Rico went". The story is a very tragic one - a boy, 11 years old, one day jumped off a bridge seemingly out of the blue.
Year: 2013
Various illustration for the German Greenpeace Magazine
Year: since 2015
Illu on questioning everything for the US edition of TIME Magazine.
Time Magazine
Year: 2015
Creative Director: DW. Pine
Typographical illustration for the weekly column "On Language" by William Safire (✝) for the New York Times Magazine, Issue Dec. 16, 2007.
Safires text was about how the word "soap" has turned into the word "body wash" over the years.
New York Times Magazine
Year: 2007
Set of 5 porcelain cups, showing nature motifs, designed for greenpeace magazine.
Year: 2015
Creative direction:
ariane spanier
intern: Lisa Graignic
Client: Rimini Berlin
published by Birckhäuser Verlag
Year: 2009
Commissioned illustration for a Cover story on Green Economy of the New York Times Magazine. Several world currencies were used to build a flower meadow spelling out the title. Unfortunately, it didn't make the cover in the end, but it was real fun to do.
New York Times Magazine
Year: 2010
Photographer of piece:
Reinhard Hunger
Alphabet for the web and mobile writing application "Notegraphy". Users can write notes and style them with different available designs and publish their notes, messages or texts via the social networks. The typographic collection "Peak" comes in 3 different colors with different text fonts. The letters were designed with magnetic ink.
"Created with the earthly help of magnetism, this collection appears to be weird looking in a beautiful and longing sense. It generates imaginary landscapes in the shape of letters produced by an invisible and enigmatic power. Organic and jagged, this collection is growing out from the screen towards you to explore undiscovered territories. To express the thinkable and unthinkable.
Recommended for: Retired alpinists, adventurous nerds, sharp-thinking folks, wistful punks, avant-garde housewives and edgy biologists."
Year: 2013
An illustration / gif animation for German greenpeace magazin on the US election and its impact on climate (change).
Year: 2016
Wall illustration (7,50m x 2,70m) depicting key points in the history of fashion for the exhibition "fashion talks" at the Museum for Communications in Berlin.
Client: Museum for Communication, Berlin
Year: 2011
Photo with visitor:
Dulcineia Gomes
Label for Swedish Solberga Honung, "Sun mountain Honey" made by the hives of Theo Ågren. From flowers near you! The eruption of the volcano will tear once the seal is opened.
Theo Ågren
Year: 2014
personal easter greeting
year: 2017
Opening illustration for Cincinnati Magazine's Coverstory on unsolved mysterious crime stories, April 2013
Year: 2013